Nov 27, 2013

Monumental Mistake Makes Monumental Masses of Migrants in Britain,

in David Cameron’s opinion

Soon, that means from 2014, Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in Britain where 1m people from central and eastern Europe are now living already. That is an alarm situation for the UK PM, David Cameron. In his words: “Since 2004, we have witnessed the biggest migration in Europe outside wartime.” Cameron announced changes in GB immigration policy in the Financial Times on wednesday, the 27th November 2013

photo: Zoltán Bálint

London is nowadays also called as the 2nd biggest hungarian city, by Hungarian themselves. But undoubtedly largest central-eastern-european migrant population is from Poland. Since 2004, Britain knew an increasing flood of central-eastern-european migrants from 8 EU countries: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. There are currently approximately 10 times more migrant from this 8 countries than in 2004 (first eastern enlargement of EU) and 20 times more than in 2000 in Great Britain.

Nov 26, 2013

VAT fraud scandal in Hungary

The Mysterious Affair at NAV or tax-transparency in Hungary:

"The website which is an independent watchdog NGO to promote freedom of information and transparency in Hungary came out with a detailed study on the Hungary’s National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) corrupt practices assisted by officials within the tax authority.

The study was written by András Horváth, a tax inspector who just left the service after 14 years employment and submitted recently a report to Hungary’s Chief Prosecutor, backing his statement with documentary proof.  According to his statement, corruption at governmental level makes large scale VAT (value added tax) fraud possible, at least 1000 to 1700 billion HUF yearly, depriving the public budget of huge revenue, estimated to be 5 to 6 % of the GDP.

He states that since 2007 the illegal evade and reimbursement of VAT is a practice of highly organized criminal groups in close relations with the state administration, whatever the governor party was.


First he disclosed the details at a press conference in Budapest, (8th November ) organized by the Clean Air Action Group, the Association for the Protection of Interest of Enterprises and Nonprofit Ltd.

Afterwards they also organized an open forum (21st November ) together with the young activists of Students Network HaHa. The original place of the event would had been the room A047 of the ELTE University by the Dean of ELTE, Tamás Dezső forbade the forum, that took finally place in an event room, called Versailles, near to Heroes square.

Nov 21, 2013

On road to Cluj

Hungarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce & Industry had his second reunion in Cluj on 15th November 2013.

 President, Ervin Kiss, stated that Romanian companies show an increasing interest in Hungary adding that it is partly due to the lack of language barrier in Transylvania. However - he added- infrastructure in Romania is to be developed and Hungarian companies can eventually see opportunity to join Romanian road network development as subcontractors of the State of Romania.

Hungarians in Tokyo about energy and tourism

Japanese-Hungarian bilateral relations: in 2013. During his official visit to Japan at the invitation of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán visited Josai University where he gave a lecture entitled "Hungary and Europe in a Changing World" .

The main objective of his visit is agreeing on the further strengthening of political, economic and cultural ties between Hungary and Japan. Energy sector is one of the most important ones, the two country have been engaged a cooperation regarding use and development of renewable energy. Including nuclear, more specifically: education and technology, nuclear waste-management and averting potential nuclear damages.

Nov 16, 2013

Budapest Guide for Real Backpackers - update

update: first results in January

The list of places where it is so far illegal to stay in Budapest:
  • any site of the World's Heritage in Hungary,
  • any bus, trolley or tram stops, the 29 main underpasses
  • and 50 meter distance area from the entry of them,
  • Budapest International Airport
  • Népliget (the second biggest public par of Bufdapest),
  • playgrounds,
  • cemeteries,
  • public educational institutions 100 meter distance area,
  • bridges, overpasses and their stairs,
  • and places designated by the municipalities.
source: MTI, Hungarian news agency, Friday, 15th November 2013 , 17:19

Italy strikes in November 2013

Italy has the second-highest debt level in the eurozone at a projected 133 per cent of economic output, behind only Greece. 

For 15th November 2013 four Italian transport unions (CGIL, CISL, UIL, and UGL) have called for strikes to be held in Rome from Wednesday to Friday. University students in Rome and cities from Turin in the north to Palermo in the south organized protest marching. They protests against the economic measures of the government, aiming to reduce national debt by austerity cuts, among others freezes on public sector salaries and cutbacks to education.

Good news for Chinese children

They can have a little brother or little sister, at least significantly more of them can have.

China is changing. The Communist Party brought a series of important decisions, like abolishing the policy of “re-education through labor” camps and promising farmers better property protection and compensation for confiscated land, in order to strengthen strengthen market competition in several important parts of the economy. Finally the Chinese government will ease its one-child family restrictions too.

Nov 14, 2013

Students Shut Up - Say with your eyes


Ignorance is an advantage and knowledge is a disadvantage. That was to be the conclusion of the current education policy for the Budapest secondary school students and teachers who organized a flash-mob at Budapest Heros square. 

They speak up against present education policy that they consider anti-democratic and non representative of students nor teachers interest or opinion.

Kill the bill on homeless persecution - The City is for All incarnates chain bridge for homeless into society - Budapest Breaking news.

UPDATE : Budapest Municipal Assembly has just accepted the bill penalizing the homeless for staying on public areas. - *16:20. 14. Nov.2013

Government of Hungary proceed in criminalization of staying on public places.

The bill that should be voted today, on the 14th November 2013, says that it is illegal to stay permanently on any site of the World's Heritage in Hungary, any sidewalk, the underpasses and areas designated by the municipalities .

“The obligatory chance” - website for Hungarian university students.

A new carrier path website will be launched in order to facilitate job finding, career decision-making, job entry for university students, fresh graduates, or graduates without working experience and on the other side companies graduate recruitment.

The working principle is the following. Responding on real business cases that registered companies share on students can suggest solutions to the companies, showing their talent and creativity that will increase their chances when applying to one of those companies position.

Nov 13, 2013

Enjoy the ride at Budapest.

Horse riding is considered not only as a sport or leisure activity but a part of the Hungarian culture, but even the entrance of the National Riding School does not give really much that impression. Riders of Hungary should no longer wait for their run, as government decide to give a 3,6 billion HUF support to the equine sector.

2 billion goes for the National Riding School in Budapest. The rest ,1,6 billon goes to the Szilvasvárad Center, from that amount, this year, 181 million in a first step, preparing the infrastructure for the development, that will practically begin in next spring and planned to be finished by September 2014 - informed State Secretary in the Ministry of Rural Development, Gyula Budai the Hungarian news agency on 12th November 2013.

Opening of the Hungarian Trade house in Beijing

Beinjin is witness of a double opening today, both event show the strengthening of Chinese-Hungarian relations.*

Beside the the Hungarian cultural institute in the Galaxy Soho, Hungarian Trade house opens in the Chinese capital. Hungary needs to improve its export, and especially its export beyond Europe, that must reach the third of total export by 2018, and -announced the responsible of the Chinese-hungarian bilateral relations, Péter Szijjartó.

 He added that role of small and medium size enterprises is to be improved within, as they own only 20% of the export however ¾ of employees works for them.

Nov 12, 2013

Findig future for the lost generation - Paris

Following a July summit in Berlin, initiated by the German chancellor Andrea Merkel, French President Francois Hollande opens the conference on youth unemployment in EU, concerning 7.5 million young people, aged 15-24, who are are neither in work, education or training.

The objective, that is to obtain results within two years, even with 12 billion euros (HK$124 billion) of financial support of the European Investment Bank, seems rather ambitious as not less than an average youth joblessness rate standing at at 23.5 % needs to be increased dramatically.

Nov 11, 2013

Hungarians in the Galaxy - Beinjing Soho present...

The house of Hungarian culture in Beijing. Hungarians are the first to arrive to the Galaxy Soho.

At least from Central Europe, but only the 10th of the 27 EU member having a cultural institute in China. The Hungarian cultural institute will be opened Wednesday, the 13th November 2013 in an 18 levels high futuristic hump galaxy laying on 330 000 sqm that itself has been inaugurated nearly exactly a year ago: the the Beijing Galaxy Soho, designed by the worldwide known Iraqi-British architect, Zaha Hadid.

Sohochina's galaxy is a home to the head offices of China Telecom, China Mobile, Sinopec, CNOOC, China Life Insurance, PICC, Bank of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice as well as a number of other core national companies and central government's ministries and institutions.

Moda Italia: e-sigaretta

Italy deleted the prohibition of e-cigarette in in all public places except schools.

From now e-cigarette smokers can smoke in offices, cinemas, restaurants, bars and public transport, where cigar, cigarette and pipe smokers are cannot. A rather controversial step considering the short story of e-cig in Italy.

This is not very longtime ago,only in June that smoke of e-cigarette has also been swept out from any public place by the previous, overly restrictive, decree that even prohibited to advertise e-cig even on the windows of stores that sell them.

Chinese-Hungarian friendship scince 1949

Hungarian Defence Minister Csaba Hende and Chang Wanquan, minister of national defense agreed on launching a regular strategic dialogue on defense policy - announced the Hungarian news agency (MTI) on 11th November 2013.

The two senior military officers “vowed to further strengthen military exchanges and cooperation.” -The Ministry of National Defense of Peple’s Republic in China published in the same time.

Nov 9, 2013

Germany: 75 years after Kristallnacht

Commemoration in observance of the 75th anniversary of Kristallnach are held in German towns ans all over the world.

75 years ago Crystal Night (November 9, 1938) - in German: Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass was the beginning of the anti-Jewish pogrom in Nazi Germany and Austria and the so called Eastern-German territories or Southerlands on 9 to 10 November 1938.

Yad Vashem is Israel's official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaustpresent via its
Exhibition Marking the Events of Kristallnacht called "It Came From Within...", what happend in Worms, Regensburg, Baden-Baden, Kassel, München, Berlin, Franfurt-am-Main, Marburg and Vienna.
On 8 th November 2013 in Berlin, shops cover their window to give the impression of broken glasses.
In München, names of the Jews executed in the Bavarian capital will be read publicly. This event is called Everyone has a name in München.

Poland restore border controls

In order to boost the security during Warsaw Climate Change Conference from 11-22 November 2013, Poland will re-establish border controls border controls with the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania and Slovakia between Friday, 8 November and Saturday, 23 November. Security will also be heightened at airports and maritime border crossings. It is kindly advised to to cross-border travellers during the aforementioned dates to carry identification and valid travel documents.

sources: MTI , Hungarian News Agency and

Czech people proudness

Czech people are the less and less proud to be Czech - revealed the results of the CVVM public opinion research institute last survey published Saturday, 9th November 2013.

It says, that 40% of the respondents are proud to be czech, 42% are neither prour nor ashamed, and 14% are ashamed to be czech. Two years ago, in 2011 47% of the them were proud and 9% ashamed Six years ago, in 2007 50% were proud, and only 6% ashamed. Before proportion of proud Czechs has been at least 50%. Prouds are generally above age of 60, have their graduation on bachelor degree at university. Wealthy Czechs are more often proud of their nationality than poor ones.
Stil ⅔ of Czechs would prefer the Czech nationality instead of any other, 20% rather would not and 7% would prefer something else. 43% of the respondents would join the army in case of war and 50% would not.
source: MTI, Hungarian news agency

Nov 8, 2013

VAT on Hungarian pork and freedom

Daily menu includes superb perspectives for Hungarian families and pork on sale.

In the 8th November 2013, Friday morning show of Kossuth Radio (180 minutes ) the Hungarian PM, Viktor Orbán, said that comparing to 2010 Hungary is now a free and independent country.
He also said that Hungary is economically strong enough, that new family discounts and reduction of VAT on pork are more than possible. He added, that Hungarians, preferring the boundaries of a family to live their life, can now have a view to fantastic perspectives. “We cannot extend measures like this to Hungarians beyond the borders, if we have have nothing to eat.” he said too.
source: MTI, Hungarian news agency

Netherlands-Hungary 4-1

4 men in the Netherlands and 1 in Hungary have been nabbed for exploiting Hungarian girls in Holland.

A 43 year-old Hungarian man has been arrested in Alkmaar (Netherlands) for human trafficking as he has been exploiting mostly but not exclusively Hungarian girls forcing them to prostitution in the area of Hague and Alkmaar. He treated them brutally and took most of their income, saving by this, according to his own rather precise accounting, 350 thousand euros, in 3 years. In the same affair, 3 other local men has been also arrested by the Netherlands police, and a 20 year-old man too in Hungary.

Hungarian ambassador to Romania: Zákonyi Botond

Romanian president, Traian Basescu, after an especially long waiting time, has finally gave his agreement, by he 6th November, to the nomination of Zákonyi Botond for Hungarian ambassador in Romania.

Nov 7, 2013

Bold and Beautiful US Ambassador to Hungary - Colleen Bell

Colleen Bell owner of a Modeling and Talent Agency, producer for a soap opera production company Bell-Phillip Television Prods, executive producer and head writer for “The Bold and the Beautiful,” has been nominated to the post of US ambassador in Hungary by American president Barack Obama on the 7th of November 2013.

Russians like Hungary for staying

Americans and Polish people like too. Despite the bad weather and the higher room prices tourism increased during the summer 2013 - according to the central statistical office (KSH) in Hungary.

The accommodation industry's total income was 9.9 % higher than last year same season, with a total gross income of 29 milliard HUF, from this 17 milliard for the totally 799 thousand nights the tourists spent in their rooms. The restaurants reached a 6,2 milliard income this year.

Nov 6, 2013

How much wood can a …. father buy in Uszka?

The little village of Uszka, lying next to the Ukrainian-hungarian border, receives 1 million forint (3600 EUR) , to help 100 of the 145 families unable to buy the wood for the cold winter days, as they make no income at all in the half of the families, 

after what István Sértő-Radics, the mayor who is at the same time the family doctor of the village told to Kelet-Magyarország, a regional paper. Among the 229 locations in Szabolcs- Szatmár-Bereg county in Eastern Hungary 117 share an amount of nearly half a milliard HUF, approx. 170.000 EUR to support the purchase of firewood this winter. That amount is the approx. the fifth of the support 1760 locations can share this winter in Hungary. 10% of the 1760 place are located in this country.

source: MTI, the Hungarian news agency

The garbage project at Rajka

Rajka, situated in Hungary at the tri-border area between Hungary, Austria and Slovakia, will see its old garbage dump recultivated, and the operation cost is 400 thousands HUF, approx, 1500 EUR , announced the independent mayor Vince Kiss on the 6th of November 2013.

The project sponsored by the New Széchenyi Plan (Új Széchenyi Terv), is needed because the liquids filtering from the garbage represent a danger for the local water supply.

Nov 5, 2013

Million Mask - on back of the head - March

Guy Fawkes activists called a 1000 people for the Million Mask March in Budapest on the river side facing the Parliament, 

on the 5th of November in the evening hours, as part of the global event called the Million Mask March, that went up finally to 447 events all over the Globe, according to the event page

VERZIO in 2013 - 10 years anniversary of the only human rights documentary film festival in Hungary

The only human rights documentary film festival in Hungary, Verzio, is organized by Verzio Film Foundation and Open Society Archives since 2004.

Besides showcasing some of the most recent documentaries in the field of human rights, Verzio - through its workshops, retrospectives and student screenings - works towards creating a forum where films are examined creatively and critically. Verzio is a bilingual event (Hungarian-English). - announces the festival facebook page.

Jazz from Poland, 7-10 november 2013

Polish Jazz Festival in the Budapest Music Center! Between 7th and 10th November 2013, 19 polish artists perform six concerts at the festival Polish Jazz for Budapest 2013, organized by the Polish Institute and the Budapest Music Center (BMC)

In the concert hall of the BMC and and the Opus Jazz Club the following artist and groups will be on stage:
the Artur Dutkiewicz Trio, a Maciej Fortuna Trio, a Piotr Lemanczyk Trio, a DuoDram (Jaskulke-Wylezol zongora duó), a Piotr Wojtasik Quartet: the Artur Dutkiewicz Trio, the Maciej Fortuna Trio, the Piotr Lemanczyk Trio, the DuoDram (Jaskulke-Wylezol piano-duo), the Piotr Wojtasik Quartet with Tóth Viktor , Hodek Dávid and Anna Maria Jopek who is actually one of the greatest Polish singers.

So Peter Gabriel is coming next May

Peter Gabriel’s world tour is continued, and includes a concert in Papp László Budapest Sportarena on the 6th of May 2014, LiveNation informed the Hungarian news agency (MTI) , on the 5 th of November.

Peter Gabriel’s milestone album, the So appeared 25 years ago, and beside the anniversary album pack,, he celebrates it with his tour called Back to The Front, visiting next year Budapest too.