Nov 21, 2013

On road to Cluj

Hungarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce & Industry had his second reunion in Cluj on 15th November 2013.

 President, Ervin Kiss, stated that Romanian companies show an increasing interest in Hungary adding that it is partly due to the lack of language barrier in Transylvania. However - he added- infrastructure in Romania is to be developed and Hungarian companies can eventually see opportunity to join Romanian road network development as subcontractors of the State of Romania.

According to the The Romanian Association for International Road Transport, road network fails to keep up with development pace, wrote The Romanian Insider (26th September 2013) The website let us know that Romania’s first highway, (96 km ) from Bucharest to Pitesti, was opened by the communist regime in 1973, and in the last 24 years, the number of cars in the country almost tripling, to some 6 million. The amount of traffic in Romania surpassed the road network’s capacity to cope already in 2007,with 4.5 million registered cars in the country.

sources: MTI, Hungarian news agency,