Eastland Cup Online is pleased to present
its French partner
the Eastland Baguette
its French partner
the Eastland Baguette
it's fresh, it's crispy, it looks good...
its familiy partner
Kicsi bocs a rögösön
the blog of a Hungarian Mother and Scientist
writer: Eszter Balint PhD, research fellow at Semmelweis University, Dept. of Anatomy, Budapest, Hungary
its new music partner
'Lehet kérdezni'
a.k.a 'Now, you can ask'
an interactive radio programme by Muzsikus Rádió on every Tuesday from 20:30 to 21:30 presenting a wide range of Hungarian music, musicians, music lovers and their questions.
During the sessions you can post your questions on our the facebook page of the show. The link to this:
https://www.facebook.com/lehetkerdezni. Here you can also find detailed guest list and more information.
The broadcast can be downloaded a week long after the show from the digitalia page of Muzsikus Rádió.
Your link to the Muzsikus Rádió: http://www.muzsikusradio.hu/