Guy Fawkes activists called a 1000 people for the Million Mask March in Budapest on the river side facing the Parliament,
on the 5th of November in the evening hours, as part of the global event called the Million Mask March, that went up finally to 447 events all over the Globe, according to the event page march was organized by the Anonymous Operation Hungary and Real Democracy Now! - Occupy Hungary Movements, and it was announced to be a peaceful demonstration with clear show of intention to respect the law according to which it is forbidden to hide one’s face during public demonstrations.
Masks had to be wore on the back of the heads and they pulled them into their faces only for a two-minute performance or a nice team shot.
The Hungarian name was ” Szabadság menete” that means the march of freedom - inspired probably the March of the Living, as many other demonstrations - March of Hate, March of Peace - in these last couple of years in Hungary.
see the Hungarian event page :
and the global event page :
source: MTI, the Hungarian news agency