Japanese-Hungarian bilateral relations: in 2013. During his official visit to Japan at the invitation of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán visited Josai University where he gave a lecture entitled "Hungary and Europe in a Changing World" .
The main objective of his visit is agreeing on the further strengthening of political, economic and cultural ties between Hungary and Japan. Energy sector is one of the most important ones, the two country have been engaged a cooperation regarding use and development of renewable energy. Including nuclear, more specifically: education and technology, nuclear waste-management and averting potential nuclear damages.On the 21st November 2013, Viktor Orbán, in company of his Minister of Human Resources, Zoltán Balog and Director of Josai University, Mizuta Noriko, has opened the Center for Hungarian Culture and Tourism in Tokyo, emphasizing that 77 thousand Japanese tourist visited Hungary during the last year spending there altogether 153 thousand nights, 10% more than the year before. In addition to organizing cultural events, the office aims to facilitate information flow to cultural mediation institutions in Japan in order to increase number of invitations of representatives of the Hungarian culture to Japan -said ambassador of Hungary in Japan, István Szerdahelyi .
Hungarian government gave 3,5 million HUF for the opening and operational cost of the center.
source:MTI, Hungarian news agency