Nov 14, 2013

“The obligatory chance” - website for Hungarian university students.

A new carrier path website will be launched in order to facilitate job finding, career decision-making, job entry for university students, fresh graduates, or graduates without working experience and on the other side companies graduate recruitment.

The working principle is the following. Responding on real business cases that registered companies share on students can suggest solutions to the companies, showing their talent and creativity that will increase their chances when applying to one of those companies position.
The announcement recall that ⅘ of graduates below 30 believe that, as a fresh graduate, it is very difficult to find a job in Hungary, the value of a degree is not that big that it was for the previous generation, and that work experience is rather a key to success.
The homepage is welcoming the student with a quite determined message, letting them know that this is literally the only way to get any job. “If you miss it, you drop out.”