Nov 11, 2013

Moda Italia: e-sigaretta

Italy deleted the prohibition of e-cigarette in in all public places except schools.

From now e-cigarette smokers can smoke in offices, cinemas, restaurants, bars and public transport, where cigar, cigarette and pipe smokers are cannot. A rather controversial step considering the short story of e-cig in Italy.

This is not very longtime ago,only in June that smoke of e-cigarette has also been swept out from any public place by the previous, overly restrictive, decree that even prohibited to advertise e-cig even on the windows of stores that sell them.

Moreover the e-cig commerce has been restricted to tobacco stores and pharmacies, and charged with a special tax of 58%. Afterwards e-cig started rapidly lose its popularity. E-cig appeared in Italy about a year ago, and since 4500 stores, have been opened, providing work for 6800 employee and became very fashionable among Italians.
A former public health minister Umberto Veronesi an oncologist, internationally known for his contributions on prevention and treatment of breast cancer greeted the liberalization of e-cig use.
However former minister of public health Girolamo Sirchia, who , in 2003, has banned smoking in public places, stated to be opposed to this latest measure.

source: MTI the Hungarian News Agency