As a sum up of the first semester, Secretary of State for Public Education, Mme Rózsa Hoffmann, told to the press that teacher's career path became secure and predictable and interest in such a carrier has increased.
The first steps that will permit to rebuild the respect for teachers in Hungarian society, providing a salary that rewards their responsibilities, have been take according to Mme Hoffmann. She recalled that, as a first step, 80% of teachers received a 40 to 80 thousand HUF increase of their salary, then a new increase by 8-10 thousand HUF followed, and that a granted increase will follow yearly till 2017.
Half an hour before it starts, 1133 people joined the protest with books and warm tea, on facebook.
They protest, among other, against
- Obligatory membership in the National Department of Teachers.
- The unreasonable teacher 's career path model
- The centralized national education plan with low variety of school books.
source: MTI, Hungarian news agency.