Will they, overcome, the alliance Együtt-PM (Banai and the Green Left) the new double obstacle: administrational, pretty clumsy with understatement, on one hand and "constructional" on the other.
For the moment there is only a tiny space for the Együtt-PM campaign tent.
HVG published this afternoon the following. After the alliance Együtt-PM has obtained authorization from the the 7th district of Budapest to hold their final ballot waiting event on April 6, at Madách square, the same office approved a construction permit for the same place and first barricades have already been raised.
It is difficult to unsee in it a call to arm, but let’s wait for an explanation from the bureau, we hope that this obstacle will not discourage Bajnai and his green allies and they can watch the final elections scores at Madách square.
Till then, let's think about what can the reasons be...