Many ask why Gábor Fodor, leader of the the Liberal Party have a place in the coalition of the left. Wearing the ultimate color of liberals, the blue he was the third speaker, following Péter Kónya, leader of the Szolidaritás and Ferenc Gyurcsány and pronounced quite a powerful speech last Sunday in front of the Opera.
Gábor Fodor, leader of theLiberálisok, the Liberal Party in front of the Opera last Sunday , on the 30th March 2014.
"My fellow citizens, freedom should never be in opposition! They want to take our freedom from us, but we won’t let them! The Prime Minister said he wants to continue the next four years. We ask him to not continue because we don’t want the pact with Russia. We don’t want to be dependent Russia. We don’t want to be fight against our allies in the west. We don’t want the fear-mongering of the Freedom Square memorial to Nazi Germany. We don’t want Kozgep. We don’t want the Felcsuti soccer stadium. We don’t want the tobacco concessions. We don’t want them to steal our pensions again. We don’t want the nationalized centralized education system. We don’t want to be bombarded with propaganda. We don’t want our elections to be manipulated. We don’t want our public spaces to be blanketed with billboards paid for fake civil organizations who support the government. We don’t want employees of the public works to work in the election campaign. We don’t want the signature forging fraudulent political parties. We don’t want the Fidesz government!
My dear friends, throughout Hungary’s history there have always been those who have fought in the struggle for freedom. And there have always been those who fought to take away our freedom. Fidesz has joined the ranks of those who are fighting to rob us of our freedom! Despite this, we who are the descendants of the liberal Lajos Kossuth, the radical Sandor Petofi, the conservative Istvan Szechenyi, must learn from those who came before us.
Those who assembled yesterday at Heroes’ Square are just as much a part of this country as we are. But they are also the ones who tried to make the national cockade their own one decade ago. We have just as much right to our nation symbols as they do. But in order for us to open our hands to them, we must first defeat them because Viktor Orban may be victorious in battle but never in peace! The majority of Hungarians, like us, want peace!"
see Fodor's full speech
Gábor Fodor, spoke against the planned monument to victims of Hungary's 1944 occupation by the Nazis, called the memorial to the German occupation of Hungary, on the 19th of March 2014, at Szabadság sqare, where the monument is planned to be.
Gábor Fodor, spoke against the Paks Pact, on a protest in front of the Parliament on 2nd February 2014, on the stage of the members of the Unity.
Gábor Fodor, 23rd of October 2014, member of the Unity.
by CSilla Katona