Gábor Török, Hungarian political scientist has published a breaking news on his fb page: the final poll of the Nézőpont and Medián institutes are more than ever alike.
The numbers are the same with only 1% difference regarding voters of the left. The Unity is now called Kormányváltók (Change of Government, here below see Change) and not Összefogás (United opposition, or Unity) anymore. The reason is that in the last couple of weeks new small parties popping up surprised the left.
Fidesz-KDNP: 36 (M), 37 (N) and
Change: 18 (M), 19 (N)
Jobbik: 15 (M), 15 (N)
LMP: 2 (M), 2 (N)
According to Nézőpont Intitute, compared to their previous poll,
the left managed to push the numbers up: from 19 percent to 28 percent among potential voters. LMP improved rates too and so did Jobbik among potential voters.
Fidesz-KDNP 48 -47 %
Change 19 -28 %
Jobbik 11 -19 %
LMP 2 -5 %
Jobbik has more and Fidesz has less votes regarding the voting-age population.
Fidesz-KDNP 40 - 37 %
Change 19 - 19 %
Jobbik 121 - 15 %
LMP 2 - 2%
Fidesz-KDNP 36%
Change 18 %
Jobbik 15 %
LMP 2 %
Among potential voters:
Fidesz-KDNP: 47 %
Change: 23 %
Jobbik: 21 %
LMP: 3 %
Most probably they will finally get:
Fidesz-KDNP: 38-44 %
Change: 26-32%
Jobbik: 21-25%
LMP: 3-5%