Jan 10, 2014

the truth on Hungarian women - early retirement

Since its introduction in the beginning of 2011 more than 100,000 Hungarian women have opted for early retirement after 40 years of work.

This option is available regardless of their age, and the spent raising children is included. The program was named: Women 40.
48,000 women in 2011, 29,000 in 2012 and 25,000 in 2013 opted for early retirement in Hungary.
Minister of State for Social and Family Affairs Miklós Soltész said, that some 2,000 women a month are expected to choose early retirement in 2014.
Due to a project launched by the Government in last November, employers of women over age of 55 and with only less than one year missing from the 40, receive a state subsidy of up to 125 percent of the minimum wage( 147,500 HUF (EUR 492) per month). These women will now also be helped to have the option for joining the 'women 40' program.

source: kormany.hu