Oct 15, 2013

Együtt-PM: No seat for wifebeaters!

Együtt-PM, an alliance of the Hungarian opposition calls the former Fidesz deputee, now independent József Balogh to resign / give up his seat and retire from politics, saying that “there shall be no place in the Hungarian Parliamant for man browbeating women”.

19 women politicians of the alliance Együtt-PM has signed already this appeal.. They recall that on the 28th of April at 6 am/ 6 o’clock in the morning, József Balog arriving to their residence in Fülöpháza/ country residence intoxicated, has browbeaten his wife. First he stapped into her face four- five times quite strongly than he grabbed her hair and struck her head againt the railing of the terrace.

Hearing her sceaming his stepp-son came to protect her and she could finally escape.
Letting this man keep on having his seat in the Parliement is considered by Együtt-PM an inadmissibly wrong message to the society. And the main responsible in this is József Balog but alos the party Fidesz and co-governor KDNP, the Christian Democratic People's Party.

source: MTI, the Hungarian news agency